NOSS exists to support professionals in educational institutions in making a positive difference in the lives of students. 

To see a directory of Network leaders with email addresses, members should log into your NOSS online account and go to Members Only. If you are not a member and have questions about Networks, please contact the NOSS office at

In order to enhance connectivity between NOSS members who share areas of interest, NOSS offers Networks. Membership in NOSS includes participation in any and all Networks free of charge.  A description of available networks is below.   To contact a Network leader, click the Directory Link above for email information.


The purpose of the Administration Network is to provide opportunities through conference meetings, networking, and correspondence for members to meet and interact with other professionals interested in issues that impact administrators and the programs they lead. This Network group allows professionals to network at the NOSS conference and through correspondence to address the issues facing colleagues. The Network group offers a professional avenue for growth by increasing interaction among the  group members.

ADVISING, COACHING, & COUNSELING (Chair: Kacie de Saint Georges)

The Advising and Counseling Network facilitates the holistic development of all students through intentional student interactions, student advising strategies, student advocacy, and supporting faculty, administrators, and other stakeholders toward the betterment of the student experience.

EQUITY, ACCESS, & INCLUSION (Co-Chairs: Emily Suh and Shamala Gallagher)  EAI Network Webpage

The Equity, Access, and Inclusion Network (formerly the Cultural Diversity Committee) was originally charged with fostering diverse leadership and advising the board on issues related to diversity and inclusion. The NOSS EAI Network is a beloved professional community dedicated to elevating unheard voices, advocating for diverse perspectives, and promoting an openness to growth for educational practitioners and the communities we serve.  As a network, we continue this work by providing a social justice-oriented space for dialogue and action grounded in a framework of equity, access, and inclusion. In addition to promoting membership inclusivity and fostering diverse leadership within our organization, the network offers resources for NOSS members engaged in equity and inclusion work within their own educational contexts. We invite members to join us in this work either by contacting our chair or by visiting our webpage.

INTEGRATED READING & WRITING (IRW) (Co-Chairs: Krista O'Brien and Stephanie Albert)

The purpose of the IRW Network is to provide opportunities for educators to communicate information associated with IRW pedagogy, connect with other practitioners whose goals include using reading and writing strategies to support and inform one another in both theory and practice, make explicit to students and one another the connections between reading and writing, collaborate with educators and administrators in exploring the ways in which IRW can benefit students across disciplines, and promote student success by sharing both tested best practices and emerging strategies in IRW. The IRW Network welcomes insights from, and collaboration with, members from across other NOSS Committees and Networks as we continue to delve into and discover the benefits of embedding IRW strategies into a variety of academic and student support contexts.

LITERACY  Literacy Webpage (Chair: Lora Bagwell)

The NOSS Literacy Network is a community of learners, researchers, and practitioners who share ideas about teaching developmental reading at the college level. Toward this goal, the members are encouraged to share teaching ideas, research, syllabi, course outlines, and resources to help meet the challenges of preparing developmental readers for the rigors of reading in the 21st century. Additionally, the NOSS Literacy Network provides a forum where research and practice related to content area reading can be presented and discussed for the purpose of promoting reading comprehension in all disciplines.

MATHEMATICS  (Co-Chairs: Meredith Anne Higgs and Shirley Burnett)

This group discusses issues pertaining to math students, teaching and research. Members are teachers, administrators and those interested in the field.

NATIONAL TRENDS  National Trends Network Webpage (Co-Chairs: Chelsea Davis-Bibb and Deb Crislip-Baker)

The NOSS National Trends Network identifies, documents, and disseminates information on higher education programs, interventions, reforms, and initiatives that support improved outcomes for students. A particular focus would be on activities that are showing promise and are supported with efficacy data. Network members are available to identify and share information through NOSS communication venues, as well as field questions and respond to inquiries from the membership about this issue.

ONLINE EDUCATORS  (Chair: pending)

Our purpose is to compare various delivery methods, share steps for creating cohesive community and discuss other areas affecting the online delivery of curriculum.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Co-Chairs: Lando Carter and Odessa Jordan)

RESEARCH (Chair: Alex Goudas)

The NOSS Research Network assesses, compiles, and disseminates research in higher education, particularly studies involving recent and common reforms. Network members are also available for questions from general members about these reforms' extant literature, designs, methodologies, and statistics.

RETENTION  Retention Network Webpage  (Chair: pending)

The NOSS Retention Network provides a forum for those responsible for student retention to share ideas and concerns, network with others in their field, and share best practices. This is also an opportunity to share education and professional development as it relates to student retention.

TUTORING and PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING  (Co-Chairs: Samantha Crandall and Jennifer Tilbury)

Provides support for colleagues directly involved in student success programs where student leaders, tutors or peer mentors are used. Subscribers receive at least two online newsletters per year containing announcements of relevant upcoming workshops/symposiums/conferences, reviews of presentations or books, an exchange of effective mentoring methods, and discussion of current issues surrounding this type of academic assistance. Visit our website:

WRITING (Chair: Stephanie Frausto)

The Writing Network is committed to the success of NOSS's academic community. We provide opportunities for writing instructors to grow professionally through this network of colleagues who teach college-prep, college-level, co-requisite, and English as a Second Language writing courses. To enhance and increase student success, we provide avenues for skill acquisitions that can be incorporated into the best practices that are readily employed at our various member colleges and universities. 

NOSS, The National Organization for Student Success, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 963, Northport, AL 35476           Email:           NOSS W-9

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